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Home Battery

Energy storage is increasingly popular throughout Switzerland with new installations breaking records yearly. At Enerphy Suisse, we want our client to maximize the benefits of their solar power plant. We'll help you decide if investing in a solar battery makes sense.

By John Rachbach    |    09.05.2023   |  11:23 AM   (CET)

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Key takeaways

  • Solar batteries become particularly advantageous in the presence of intricate electricity rate structures such as time-of-use and demand charges.
  • When evaluating whether a battery is suitable for your needs, several factors come into play: assessing the suitability of your property, deciding between standalone or solar-plus-storage options, and understanding installation expenses are just a few considerations.
  • Similar to solar systems, storage costs fluctuate based on geographic location, primarily influenced by local rebates and incentives.

Should you get solar battery storage!

Why Install Energy Storage?

There are three primary reasons why incorporating energy storage into your setup can be advantageous:

01. Storage provides emergency battery backup power

Installing solar-plus-storage is an excellent solution for ensuring uninterrupted power supply during emergencies. Whether you're in California facing blackout threats from wildfires or in the Southeast dealing with frequent, prolonged outages due to severe weather, having a solar-plus-storage system allows you to keep your home or business operational even when the grid fails. By harnessing solar energy during the day and storing excess electricity in batteries, you can continue powering your premises after sunset or during cloudy conditions. However, it's essential to note that most energy storage systems may not support whole-home backup, meaning you might need to prioritize specific appliances during outages.

02. With storage, you can use more solar power

If you reside in an area with one-to-one net metering policies, where the credits for surplus energy fed back into the grid are equal to the electricity purchased from the grid, you might not feel the need to maximize onsite solar usage. However, two scenarios could prompt you to prioritize onsite solar consumption: absence of net metering policies or a desire to achieve complete off-grid independence. In regions lacking one-to-one net metering, adding storage to your solar setup can enhance the financial viability of home solar by enabling you to utilize surplus energy to charge batteries instead of exporting it to the grid. Similarly, for those aiming for complete off-grid living, storing excess solar production during the day ensures continuous power availability, thereby maximizing solar utilization.

03. You can save money with solar batteries

Solar battery systems typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years and are eligible for incentives such as storage tax credits. Therefore, over time, the cost of installing a battery can be recouped through savings on energy bills and enhanced resilience. The lifespan and performance of batteries, influenced by factors like chemical composition (e.g., lead-acid, flow, lithium-ion) and maintenance requirements, play a crucial role in determining their cost-effectiveness. Moreover, energy storage can lead to substantial savings in electricity bills under specific scenarios:

There are two primary instances in which energy storage can help you save money on your electricity bills:

  • Time-of-Use Rates: Time-of-use (TOU) electricity tariffs, where prices vary based on the time of day, are becoming increasingly common for both residential and commercial consumers. With solar and storage, you can capitalize on stored energy during peak tariff periods, thereby avoiding higher grid electricity costs.
  • Demand Charges: Businesses often incur demand charges, where utility bills are influenced by the maximum energy demand observed during a billing period. Storage can help mitigate these charges by supplying power during peak demand hours, thus reducing overall energy expenses.

Standalone storage vs. solar-plus-storage

Installing storage alongside solar offers numerous advantages, such as eligibility for targeted financial incentives and extended autonomy from the grid. However, there are circumstances where standalone storage solutions may be more suitable for your residential or commercial needs.

What are the expenses associated with solar batteries?

Although homeowners typically experience savings with solar panel installations, the financial implications of incorporating storage are more intricate. Storage expenses can be comparable to those of a solar energy system. However, the extent of your savings hinges on factors such as your electricity tariffs, accessible incentives, and the frequency of power interruptions. Ultimately, the upfront costs are contingent upon your equipment selection, the type of batteries required, and whether you're integrating the battery into an existing solar setup or opting for a new solar-plus-storage system.

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Nous nous engageons à offrir à nos clients le meilleur service possible pour leur énergie solaire, de la consultation initiale et de la conception à la construction et à l'entretien. Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec chaque client pour comprendre ses besoins spécifiques et adapter nos solutions en conséquence.

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