What you should know!

Photovoltaics - funding from the federal government and canton

The federal government and the cantons promote the use of solar energy with various funding programs. The most important funding programs for photovoltaics are the cost-covering remuneration for feed-in tariffs (KEV) and the investment contributions for solar power plants.

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Funding at a glance

Depending on the output and type of system, Photovoltaics in Switzerland are funded at the federal level by Pronovo.

Promotion of PV systems with one-off remuneration (EIV)

The one-off remuneration (EIV) is the federal government's instrument for the promotion of PV systems (PV systems) with an an output of at least 2 kW and up to 60 percent of the investment costs for a reference system. Depending on the output and type of system, the one-off system into three different types.

*Above that awarded through auctions.


Financial support

While almost all cantons promote solar heat, there is a one-off federal reimbursement for photovoltaics. Many communities have additional support programs. The website energiefranken.ch provides an overview of these funding offers. Tax deductions make building a solar system even more attractive.

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What you should know!

Promotion of photovoltaics

Photovoltaics in Switzerland are funded at the federal level by Pronovo. There are also funding programs from individual cantons, municipalities and energy suppliers.

Photovoltaic systems of all sizes are supported throughout Switzerland through the one-off payment (EIV). This covers a maximum of 30% of the investment costs of reference systems relevant to commissioning. Specifically, a basic contribution and a performance contribution are paid per installed kW. The amount of the remuneration can be found in Appendix 2.1 of the Energy Promotion Ordinance. Depending on the size of the system, the procedure must be different to receive funding

From 2018, larger systems can also apply for the one-off payment. A distinction is made among the following systems:

(1) One-off payment for small systems (KLEIV)

Of course, many people install solar panels for other primary reasons – such as that they want to use greener energy and be less reliant on the National Grid for their energy supply. But it’s still worth knowing how soon you’ll see a financial return on your investment.

From 2018 onwards, the one-off payment for small systems (KLEIV) is intended for systems with an output of less than 100 kW. The KLEIV can only be applied for after commissioning has taken place; the KLEIV will be paid out in the order of the date of receipt the complete notification of commissioning. The waiting time for payment is less than a year, See Pronovo.

The one-off payment is calculated based on the installed capacity of the system and the location of the system. The amount of the one-off payment is determined by the Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and is published in the Energy Promotion Ordinance (EnFV).


Overview of one-off payment from 2024

Detailed and current information about Pronovo's compensation and bonuses can be found in the Pronovo tariff calculator.

Pronovo tariff calculator

(2) One-off payment for large systems (GREIV)

The one-off payment for large systems (GREIV) is intended for systems with an output of 100 kW or more. The GREIV can only be applied for after commissioning has taken place; the GREIV will be paid out in the order of the date of receipt the complete notification of commissioning.

The one-off payment is calculated based on the installed capacity of the system and the location of the system. The amount of the one-off payment is determined by the Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and is published in the Energy Promotion Ordinance (EnFV).

From 2018 onwards, operators of systems with an output of 100 kW or more will only receive the “one-off payment for large systems” (GREIV). The GREIV can only be applied for after commissioning has taken place; the GREIV will be paid out in the order of the date of receipt the complete notification of commissioning.

Operators of systems with an output of 100 kW or more can generally choose between the KEV and the “one-off payment for large systems” (GREIV). However, due to limited financial resources, from today's perspective only systems with a registration date up to June 30, 2012 can probably be included in the KEV. 1. Analogous to the KEV, the GREIV waiting list is processed according to the registration date. In contrast to the KLEIV, it is not necessary to implement the system before receiving a funding commitment.


Overview of one-off payment from 2024

Detailed and current information about Pronovo's compensation and bonuses can be found in the Pronovo tariff calculator.

Pronovo tariff calculator

(3) High one-off payment for systems without self-consumption (HEIV):

From 2023 there will also be a high one-off payment (HEIV) for PV systems without self-consumption. It amounts to up to 60% of the costs of reference systems. For system outputs of 150 kW or more, the HEIV is awarded by auction.

Pronovo PV-Auktionen

(4) Additional bonuses

In addition to the one-off payment, bonuses can be added if the eligibility criteria are met such as for systems with a slope of over 75°, a location over 1500 m above sea level, as well as increased funding for building-integrated systems. These bonuses are cumulative.


UPDATES: The feed-in tariff system in 2024

The feed-in tariff system (EVS, formerly KEV) is no longer available for new photovoltaic projects. In the years 2018-2020, those projects that were registered for the KEV before June 30, 2012 were included in the EVS.


Cantonal supporting programs

While almost all cantons promote solar heat, there is a one-off federal reimbursement for photovoltaics. Many communities have additional support programs. The website energiefranken.ch provides an overview of these funding offers. Tax deductions make building a solar system even more attractive.
