Carbon Removal You Can Trust.

At Enerphy Suisse, We ensure trust in our carbon removal efforts with our detailed, science-based project, guaranteeing top-quality credits in our Marketplace.

Wir sind entschlossen, unseren CO2-Fußabdruck zu reduzieren und nachhaltiges Leben zu fördern, und wir glauben, dass erneuerbare Energie der Schlüssel zur Erreichung dieses Ziels ist. Wir laden Sie ein, mehr über unser Unternehmen und unsere Arbeit zu erfahren und sich bei Fragen oder zur Diskussion eines Projekts an uns zu wenden. Gemeinsam können wir einen Unterschied im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel machen und den Weg für eine sauberere, grünere Zukunft ebnen.

Carbon Market

Carbon Footprint Calculators

Calculate your carbon footprint effortlessly with our free online tools. Our calculators are designed to help individuals, businesses, and communities understand and mitigate their carbon emissions. Gain insights and take action towards a greener future.

Explore Calculators
  1. Calculate CO2 Footprint

    measure carbon emissions, its environmental footprint and identify associated risks.

  2. Sustainability Planning

    Develop a roadmap and establish specific targets for reducing carbon emissions.

  3. Emission Reduction

    Implement measures to reduce the carbon footprint and enhance sustainability.

  4. Financing Climate Initiatives

    Secure funding to support climate action from our sustainability portfolio.

  5. Carbon Offset & Credit certification

    Employ strategies to offset your emissions and get your Carbon Certifice.


Let us handle your Carbon Offset and Become Climate Neutral!

We take great care with projects for you - only providing you with the highest quality carbon offset projects that meet the leading international verification standards, suitable for all types of businesses and individuals.